To interact with the NFT Marketplace, it is necessary to have CSPR in your wallet.

CSPR will be deducted from your wallet when used on the marketplace to:

  • Pay for gas/transaction fees.

  • Buy an NFT

  • Make an offer on an NFT

  • Bid on an NFT

To make any kind of transaction on the marketplace you will need to have a balance of CSPR to pay for the transaction fee.

WCSPR is the ERC20 version of the native Casper Network token (CSPR). All marketplace transactions eg. buying NFTs, making offers, bidding, etc... will be carried out using WCSPR.

WSCRP is backed 1:1 with CSPR, to obtain WCSPR please visit the wrap section on our AMM to swap CSPR to WCSPR.

Unless you prefer to do so, wrapping CSPR maunally is not necessary. We've added the possiblity to wrap the CSPR into WCSPR and interact with the marketplace contract into one transaction.

Last updated